A group of camera equipment laid out on a white surface.
A brown bear walking in the water.
A group of birds standing in the water.
A storm cloud over a field at sunset.
A brown bear walking through tall grass.
A snowy mountain with trees and a blue sky.
Cliffs of moher in ireland.
A group of sheep standing on the road.
Two antelope standing in a grassy field.
A deer standing in a field at sunset.
A large elk standing in a grassy field.

Jason Sondgeroth

Animal & Wildlife, Landscape | Last Updated: December 15, 2023

My name is Jason Sondgeroth, and I am a trained Family Nurse Practitioner. I have spent about twenty years in Emergency Departments, but my little-known secret: I was originally a fine art major in college and graduated with a Bachelor of Arts degree in sculpture.

I began my photography journey in the 1990s but took a hiatus for approximately two decades. It wasn’t until 2019/2020 that I rediscovered my passion.

I prefer capturing images of wildlife and landscapes through photography.

Photography is a powerful form of expression, allowing you to capture moments and convey emotions through visual storytelling. The creative process and the solitude it offers are the best ways for me to connect with nature and capture the beauty of the world around us.

I currently shoot with a Canon EOS R5, and I have been on a Canon journey for some time: firstly, a Canon Rebel, then a Canon Power shot, followed by the Canon EOS 6D, then the Canon EOS 6D Mark II.

So then I went mirrorless and traded up for the Canon EOS R6 and, ultimately, the Canon EOS R5.

I love the image quality the R5 offers, and if you need to crop, you have 45MP to work with.

Like most other photographers, I have a variety of lenses.

I originally used a Sigma 70-200mm f/2.8, then traded it for a Canon EF 100-400mm f/4.

I also utilize a Canon EF 24-70mm f/2.8L USM .

I upgraded to a Canon EF 500mm f/4 and absolutely love this lens. It is surprisingly diverse.

Another lens I also enjoy using is my Rokinon 14mm f/2.8 MF.

The Pluto Trigger System I use is very responsive to lightning and storms, plus it can also be programmed for night photography if you desire.

My favorite bag is the Mindshift Backlight 36L Backpack. It is incredibly diverse, well thought out, and easy to personalize and configure. In addition to this, it fits in overhead compartments, so you can fly with it and don’t need to check it as luggage.

I have gone through many tripods, as most people do. I was listening to a podcast from an iconic photographer who said, “Don’t waste your time with the cheap tripods because you end up buying several, and in the end, you could have purchased a nice one from the start.”

I took the advice and now work with a Sirui W2204 Carbon Tripod with a Sirui Ph-10 Gimbal Head Carbon. It was a worthwhile investment, so skip the cheap ones if you can.

My go-to software is Adobe Lightroom Classic and Photoshop. I also use Topaz and Nik tools. I really enjoy these plugins as an adjunct to Photoshop. I typically use dehaze, noise reduction, sometimes sharpening, and some presets I have come up with for my workflow.

For me, water is a must on my trips and a real lifesaver. A large hydro flask is key to success.

Blue Lizard sunscreen is necessary when out in the field, and always be prepared for unpredictable weather conditions.

I use a variety of boots, but Keen makes a great waterproof hiker that is lightweight.

Food is also key when out in the field, and often, I will take prewrapped foods such as honey oat stinger bars, pistachios, or other low-bulk fatty foods. I will often unwrap some foods and put them into a quiet pouch of some sort to reduce the noise.

Additionally to the noise is the scent; you need to be aware of which direction the wind is blowing when eating.

The best advice I can give anyone is to get out there and be excited about what you are doing.

Take advantage of the places you live and plan a trip, even if this means your backyard.

During COVID, I was so hellbent on getting photos, but I couldn’t travel. I went into the backyard and had one of my best photoshoots ever of my chickens!

They would run so I could practice animals in motion; they were vibrant and funny.

So the point is to practice but have fun while you’re doing it.


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