a baby sleeping in a wooden crate next to a stuffed elephant.

15 Simple & Safe Newborn Poses for Cute Baby Photos

Rock your newborn photoshoot with these fun, simple and safe poses selected by our experienced baby photographers.

Capturing the cutest newborn photography requires thought and planning.

Thankfully, I’m here to help provide some of the best tips and inspiration!

In this article, I’ll cover the 15 best newborn photography poses for super cute baby photos.

You should also get some ideas for fun newborn photography props to use to jazz up your next photoshoot.

15 Newborn Photography Poses to Try in 2024

1. The Classic Cradle

a person holding a baby in their hands.

Credit: Rene Asmussen

One of the best ways to highlight your newborn’s cuteness involves the classic cradle pose.

This is one of the absolute best newborn baby poses with mom or dad.

To achieve this pose, simply have one parent hold the baby as they cozy up in your arms.

This pose will offer the parent’s arms and hands for scale while capturing that special parent/child bond.

2. The Reach

a baby holding a woman's hand

Credit: Sarah Chai

Another one of the best newborn photography poses is what I’m referring to as the reach.

For this newborn photography idea, simply place your baby in their crib and have your partner lay their hand down beside the baby.

The length of your hand and forearm or that of your partner is likely very close to the length of your newborn, showcasing the purity and innocence of your gorgeous baby.

Then wrap your baby’s sweet little fingers around their hand for a pose that will surely send you right into cuteness overload!

3. The Cuddle

a baby is sleeping with a stuffed animal.

Credit: Ivone de Melo

While newborn poses with mom and dad are undoubtedly adorable, here’s another precious moment to capture: your newborn with a cute stuffed animal.

A pic of your baby cuddling their first plush toy is an easy and natural pose, so give it a try!

4. The Secure Hold

a woman holding a baby in her arms.

Credit: Rdne Stock Project

Another one of the best newborn baby poses with mom is the secure hold.

Mothers can simply hold their newborn while a photographer captures the cradle that almost resembles a heart as your thumbs touch right below your baby’s face and arms.

5. The Tuck

a baby wrapped in a blanket with a pacifier in its mouth.

Credit: Antoni Shkraba

The tuck is another super cute baby photography option that’s also one of the best newborn photography poses.

Gently place your baby in their bassinet or crib and add a gentle blanket up to their face with a cute plush toy peeking out! Your baby will be all tucked in with their favorite little soft toy.

And please remember, newborns shouldn’t sleep with blankets! Most of us know sleep sacks are the safest option for sleeping babies, so keep in mind that this is simply a quick pose for a cute photo that requires your full attention.

6. Womb Pose

a newborn baby is sleeping on a brown blanket.

Credit: Tu Nguyen

This womb-like recreation is another excellent pose for newborn photography.

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To execute this one, simply lay your baby on a soft surface then gently tuck their legs in so they lay on them.

Position their hands up by their face and presto! A super cute pose that’s Baby Magazine cover material.

Please keep in mind that you want to avoid poses that may strain their neck, spine or airways, so waiting until your baby is a bit older may be the best for some poses.

7. The Lift

a man holding a baby up in the air and a woman next to them

Credit: Gustavo Fring

We’ve discussed several options for newborn photography poses, but what about with parents? Don’t worry, we’ve got plenty of ideas for newborn poses with parents too.

One of the easiest starting points for a couple and newborn photo is to have dad lift the newborn high to the sky as mom watches on adoringly or plays with the baby’s tiny toes!

And just make sure you have a friend or professional photographer nearby for these newborn sessions since both parents will be in the photo.

8. Precious Profile

a man and a woman are holding a baby.

Credit: Letticia Massari

The precious profile shot is another must-try in terms of newborn photography poses.

For this shot, simply hold your new bundle of joy and face your partner, who will also be facing you.

Kind of rest your baby on your partner’s chest so the three of you look happy and connected as a friend or professional photographer snap this special moment from the side for a beautiful profile photo.

9. The Reach Around

a man and woman sitting on a rock with a baby.

Credit: Arina Krasnikova

Another one of the best newborn photography poses with parents is the reach around.

Typically done in a photo studio with babies at least 2 weeks or older, this pose involves your partner holding the baby as you hug him or her front behind and gently caress your baby’s head.

The in-house professional will then click away to capture a set of amazing newborn poses with excellent backgrounds and high-level lighting.

10. Playful Peck

a woman is holding a baby and an older child

Credit: RDNE Stock Project

Looking to add your older kids to the spotlight? Then we have some newborn photography poses for you to check out!

Simply hold your newborn and have one of their siblings kiss them on the cheek.

Have them hold the kissing pose as your partner or photographer captures these newborn family photos and your baby’s eyes in one of the best newborn poses with siblings.

And another obvious yet important safety reminder: please always ensure a parent is present during these photoshoots.

11. Helping Hand

a close up of a baby's hand.

Credit: Pixabay

A simple handhold will make another awesome addition to your collection of newborn photography poses.

Simply hold your baby and have their older brother or sister hold their tiny fingers.

Then have your partner or photographer carefully zoom in on this adorable sentiment.

12. Loving Lounge

a little girl laying on a bed next to a baby.

Credit: Sunvani Hoang

Here’s another one of the best newborn poses with siblings: a loving little lounge pose.

For this newborn photography pose, simply lay your baby down on a safe, soft surface.

Next, have your older child lay beside the baby and naturally interact as your partner or some newborn photographers catch some cute candid shots of the side-by-side siblings.

13. Beach Day

a woman standing on top of a sandy beach with a baby.

Credit: Yan Krukau

I’ve covered a bunch of great newborn ideas to consider already, but what about the slightly older babies? Let’s dive into some 1-month baby poses and older baby tips!

If this is your baby’s first vacation say at a beach, then this is the perfect opportunity to get some great parent and baby shots.

Have your partner or a newborn photographer on standby as you take your adorable ocean-ready baby onto the sand for the first time.

You’ll have a collection of sweet family photos on the sand, dipping your toes in the ocean and with the sunset behind you.

This pose is great for older babies who are a bit more mobile and comfortable outside the home.

14. Take a Stroll

a woman holding a child as he walks.

Credit: Helena Lopes

If you’ve got an older baby who’s already started wobbling around and walking, I’ve got the perfect pose to try!

Whether with the parents or older siblings, take your baby out to your scenic yard or a nearby outdoor area.

Then have each parent grab each baby’s hand as you gently guide them around outside.

Hire a photographer to capture this frameable photo moment from behind for a shot you’ll be excited to display somewhere at home.

15. Match it Up

a woman holding a small child in her arms.

Credit: Greta Hoffman

Here’s another great tip you’ve likely been waiting for since the moment you got pregnant — the chance to wear matching outfits with your baby.

Whether you have a newborn or a one-year-old, you’ll have a great time dressing your baby up in similar outfits to mom and dad!

Then in your coordinated outfits, sit on the ground with your baby between your legs and strike a pose as your partner takes a refrigerator-worthy set of photos from different angles.

You, your partner and your children can wear matching outfits to try any of the poses called out in this article if you really want to up the cute factor.

Tips & Safety Advice for Newborn Poses at Home or in the Studio

Newborn photography can be a wonderful experience, but safety must be the number one priority. Here are some safety guidelines to consider:

  1. Never leave the baby unattended: Regardless of the environment, always keep an eye on the baby, especially when they are on a prop or posing tool.
  2. Keep the environment warm: Babies are sensitive to temperature. They can easily get cold, so make sure the room is warm enough, especially if you’re taking photos of the baby unclothed.
  3. Wash hands and sanitize props: Newborns have vulnerable immune systems. It’s important for everyone involved to wash their hands thoroughly. Additionally, sanitize all props and surfaces the baby will be in contact with.
  4. Avoid forced poses: Never force a baby into a pose. If the baby seems uncomfortable or resistant, switch to a different pose.
  5. Composite Images: Some of the most stunning newborn photos you see are often the result of image compositing. For example, images, where a newborn appears to be holding their own head up, are created by taking multiple pictures and editing them together. Never attempt to pose a baby in a potentially harmful position.
  6. Always have a spotter: Always have an extra set of hands (like a parent) near the baby at all times during the shoot, especially for poses on props or elevated surfaces.
  7. Soft Surfaces: When photographing on hard surfaces, always use a soft mat or cushion underneath the blanket or fabric, so if the baby moves or rolls, it won’t get hurt.
  8. Be patient: Newborns have their own schedules and can’t be rushed. Be prepared to take breaks for feeding and diaper changes.
  9. Avoid allergens: Use hypoallergenic materials and avoid items like real flowers, feathers, or other items that might cause allergies or discomfort.
  10. Careful with wrapping techniques: Be gentle when swaddling or wrapping a baby for photos. Don’t wrap the baby too tightly and always make sure they can breathe easily.
  11. Have a soothing environment: A calm environment can make the baby feel safe and relaxed. Consider having a white noise machine or soft music in the background.

Remember, a good newborn photographer should prioritize the baby’s comfort and safety over getting the perfect shot.

More FAQs about Newborn Photography Props & Poses

  • Is it OK to take a photo of a newborn baby?

Yes, taking pictures of your newborn is safe. Be sure to be mindful when using newborn photography props though!

  • What should I pose my newborn in?

A gentle, well-fitting onesie is ideal for your newborn’s photos. And be sure to avoid some trending poses like the frog pose or taco pose if your baby is a newborn. The frog pose and taco pose tend to be safer for older babies who are more developed.

  • Is 2 weeks too old for newborn photos?

No, there’s no right time to capture a few photos of your newborn’s Gerber-like moments. However, babies 7-10 days old tend to sleep the most, and it’s easier to get shots before the baby wakes up.

  • How should I pose for a newborn photo?

Whether you have just your hands photographed or hold your baby up with your partner, there are tons of newborn photography tips in this article to help you capture your baby’s cuteness from different angles.

  • What is the easiest newborn pose?

When posing newborns, the secure hold or the classic cradle is usually easiest. And don’t shy away from reusing the same pose if it works!

  • How should I pose my 2-week-old baby?

As noted earlier, your baby’s safety is the most important thing when photographing your newborn. Never try poses that will cause strain. Instead try natural poses that keep your baby safe with a simple wrap for a cute wrapped pose.

  • What should parents wear for newborn photos?

Parents typically wear neutrals like black or white for professional photos, specifically family photos, to let the baby shine in their newborn pose.

  • What is the best time of day to take newborn photos?

The morning is the best time for newborn photography. This is when your baby is awake, alert and well-fed. You’ll also get to make use of natural light.

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